Department of Electronic Systems

LaTeX Resources

LaTeX Report Template

Download the LaTeX report template and use it for your first report. It contains a setup which will satisfy most users of LaTeX at the Department of Communication Technology. Feel free to change the layout to suit your needs for the project and report. If you want to apply changes to the template please send mail with suggestions to help(at)

Unpack the template archive with

 alfred@lada> gtar zxvf report.tar.gz 

and enter the directory report to begin using the template. The exaple below, which has been made using this template, has been donated by Morten Holm Larsen.

Kalman Predictive Coding With Classified VQ

Additions to your .emacs file in order to enable Master system and Reftex mode

Please include the following in your .emacs file - remember to alter the master file location

Extra entries for your .emacs file

TeTeX Documentation

At the Department of Communication Technology the TeTeX distribution is installed in

Local documentation

Opens internal link in current windowDanish Latex book

Opens internal link in current windowTNB Latex documentation

You can find more information on TeTex at

Prosper Documentation (LaTeX Slide)

Prosper is a LaTeX class aiming at offering an environment for writing high-quality slides for both printing an displaying with a video-projector.
A short tour to Prosper
Prosper documentation

You can find more information on Prosper at

Other LaTeX-related Information