Department of Electronic Systems

CVS On Your Own Computer

If you have your own computer connected to the student network you might see the advantage of having the repository checked out on your own computer. This can even be done in a safe way using an AFS client.

Follow on of the guides to install afs on Windows or Linux client

CVS on Windows

First you need to install the AFS client:

Follow the Installing AFS on Windows guide and creat a new drive letter with your group directory

Now we have the option either to use CVS from PuTTY where we update, checkin and commit etc. or install a graphical CVS client.

Using CVS from PuTTY

You to connect to one of the server by using PuTTy. When you have logged in you can do a checkout

e.g. I have logged into the server nokia and done the following:

 cvs -d /afs/ co work

Then i can map driveletter x: to /afs/ and then i am able to edit the documents in the path x:\work

When im finished editing, i will login to the server again and do a cvs update -d and a cvs commit. Then my group college will get the new version the next time they do a cvs update.


Graphical CVS client

If you do not like the console version there are various different GUI CVS clients. We recommend smartcvs which is a easy-to-use CVS client written in Java. Because Smartcvs is written in Java, it can run on almost any platform.

First download and install smartcvs.

Create a drive letter with the AFS client for your group directory

e.g. z: /afs/

Next use the wizzard in smartcvs to check out a local reposity and browse for z:\afs\\group\05gr780\CVS-root\

TDB: Screen shots missing


Using CVS From Emacs

The editor GNU/Emacs can work together with CVS and RCS - the keybindings are the same. You have to do the actually check out using the cvs-command but adding and commiting files can be done from Emacs.

To add a file to the CVS repository, you would do:

C-x v i


To check in (commit) and update you can use the keybinding:

C-x v v or C-x C-q